explained by Khenpo Chödrak Tenphel Rinpoche
translated by Kiki Ekselius
Part 1 +2 : Saturday, 21. and Sunday 22. November 2020, 10.30-12.00 am (CEST)
Part 3 +4: Saturday, 28. and Sunday 29. November 2020, 10.30-12.00 am (CEST)
Part 5 + 6: Saturday, 19. and Sunday 20. December 2020, 10.30-12.00 am (CEST)
Part 7: Sunday, 10. January 2020, 10.30-12.00 am (CEST)
Part 8: Sunday, 17. January 2020, 10.30-12.00 am (CEST)
Part 9: Sunday, 24. January 2020, 10.30-12.00 am (CEST)
Part 10: Sonntag, 31. Jänner 2021, 10.30-12.00
Part 11: Sonntag, 7. Februar 2021, 10.30-12.00
Part 12: Sonntag, 14. Februar 2021, 10.30-12.00
Teaching Cancelled: Sonntag, 21. Februar 2021, 10.30-12.00
Part 13: Sonntag, 28. Februar 2021, 10.30-12.00
Part 14: Sonntag, 7. März 2021, 10.30-12.00
Part 15: Sonntag, 14. März 2021, 10.30-12.00
Sonntag, 21. März 2021, 10.30-12.00
A Guide to the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva is an ancient text, written in the 14th century by Togme Zangpo, a buddhist monk and scholar, who was born in Puljung, not far from one of the major Sakya monasteries of the Tsang-Region in Tibet. The 37 practices seek to make clear the day-to-day behaviour of a bodhisattva (a practitioner of the buddhist path, who aspires to attain buddha the enlightened state for the benefit of all sentient beings). It serves as a practical guide for individuals who seek to practice the path to enlightenment. Though short in length, a person could spend a lifetime perfecting the practices.
A pdf with the root text is avaible here: http://www.karma-samphel-ling.at/home/images/stories/pdf/37practices_roottext_english.pdf
The teachings, transmitted in Tibetan and translated into English, will be available as livestream on Karma Samphel Ling's YouTube channel.
A translation into German will be provided within a week after the teaching on the Karma Samphel Ling YouTube channel.
The lectures will be available online after the Livestream via the respective YouTube channels, until further notice.
In general, when we physically attend this type of teaching, we take part in course fees that cover the expenses the center incurs to make Dharma transmission possible. In light of the current circumstances and the transmission via Youtube intended for the greatest number of people possible, these teachings will be open-access and free of charge.
Of course, it is still possible to support Karma Samphel Ling by making a (non tax-deductible) donation to the following account:
Name: Buddhadharma Zentrum Wien
Bank: easybank
IBAN: AT421420020010935254
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